Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Ray to Life…

Life is composure of many facets. Feelings are a way in which it is understood within and thoughts are expressed in the form of smile or tears to the outer world.

One of the strange facts is that there are many shadows to accompany you when you smile. There are many voices to giggle with you when you laugh. There are many shoulders to support when you are cheerful. Howsoever, you won’t have trust on even your own shadow in those dark days which don’t leave you for a second on those sunny days. There won’t be any shoulder where your head can rest and take a deep breath if you are in hard times. There won’t be any more music, no more smiles, no more support…

It is said, that true friends are the one which go along with you in all the times. Family is the one which keeps you going. Belief is the one which holds your morale. Still even if you have all this why do you feel so lonely… why it’s like everyone has just left you and all around is the cacophony instead of the rhythmic music few days back. All those friends are lost somewhere, Why? Family still holds you but there is fight within somewhere deep into the heart, Why? Belief is keeping you alive but no one to show you the way out, Why?

Amongst all these what’s that which still keeps you going …why even having a family, friends and beliefs being not able to bring smile still one keeps on going, why one feeling left out, lost and alone keeps on going…

I feel it’s the Power of Dreams, Sense of Commitment, Tears of Love, Warmth of Compassion, Care of Values, Trust of Relation and Courage of Fight which won’t let you down… I feel having all this will keep you going forever. Out of all those hundreds of terrible days one can slow a bit but can’t break.

Further, I feel it’s the Dreams which really fuel your Life. Dreams give you the Objective and Objective set the Goals for you. Your values act as the Milestones to be achieved in order to achieve the goal and your belief act as your partner in the journey. No matter how tough the path is but the strength of Dream and Confidence in Oneself won’t let you stop neither it will let you sleep.

The path will be full of hurdles which would be: strong enough to shake your belief; questioning your credibility; walking you to the nadir of your life; ending in all your friends; challenging all your relations and more…

But the moment there is a sense of courage to stick to the Dream all this will go away and the journey will be much more enjoyable.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mukul

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